Analyzing the first “Try it Yourself” example in the w3schools “AJAX Intro” lesson
This file is:
which is linked from
function loadDoc() {
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
// Declare a variable, call it xhttp
// Set it to a new object, an XMLHttpRequest object
// XMLHttpRequest() is its constructor, so you are creating it
= function() {
// Let’s analyze this.
// There is a readyState property (member variable) in the object.
// readystatechange is an event.
// It is triggered by a change in the value of readyState.
// Events can have event handlers.
// onreadystatechange is an aptly named member variable of the object.
// We define a function to be its value.
// The function will handle the event the way we want.
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
// Check for the object’s member variables to have particular values
// Note that readyState must have been different from 4 before (why?)
// What is “this”?
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = this.responseText;
// The object has another member variable, responseText
// responseText contains some text data. But what data?
};"GET", "ajax_info.txt", true);
// The object’s open method (function) initializes things.
// For example, it resets readyState to 1
// The http GET command will soon be sent to a remote http server
// The remote http server will then respond with the content of a file
// JavaScript does not send the GET command just yet,
we’re still setting it up to send later
// We can even look at the ajax_info.txt file in a browser
// See what’s in it!
// Finally, we now send the GET command out to the web
// The remote server’s response will be stored in responseText
// This changes readyState, etc.,
// ...triggering the readyStateChange event,
// ...which causes the event handler to run,
// ...which was defined as the value of onreadystatechange.
// Whew!!