IFSC 3300 HW2 Due by Wednesday Sept. 4, 2024
Directions: Hand in by emailing to IFSC3300HW@gmail.com. Please avoid sending a link to a shared google doc, because the grader might not be able to access it. You can paste the code into the body of an email. The best way might be to simply send a link to your sandbox. Try it! Here is how:
Question 1
What is the minimum percentage score on an assignment? What is the maximum percentage score?
Question 2
Option 1: Build a web page with buttons. If possible add new buttons to the buttons from the previous HW to begin building a catalog of JavaScript demo buttons, or you can start a new page with only new buttons if you prefer, however, make the page scalable so you can add more buttons to in in future HWs. Each new button demos an operator in JavaScript. Try for quality in the logic (algorithm), the functionality (how much it can do), and the user experience. Good coding includes comments, good variable names (which makes the code self-documenting, so you need fewer comments), and indentation that supports readability. The function prompt() is a convenient way to get user input, generally considered good for testing and development purposes though not for production commercial code. It works well for what it does and is the way we learned so far for reading in inputs. Above all, have some fun with it! (We can’t grade you on having fun, but still, give it a try!)
Option 2: Build a game that involves various operators. You might not know enough JavaScript to create the next top seller on STEAM, but give it a try and see what you can do!