IFSC 3300 HW5 Due by Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024
Please email your assignment to: IFSC3300HW@gmail.com. Do not use attachments. You can paste your answers into the email itself.
0. What is the minimum percentage score on a HW in this course?
1. Declare one function one way and the other a second way. One way is the common way that starts:
function myFunc1.........
and the other way shows what happens "under the hood" when declaring a function:
let myFunc2=.........
Declare a variable x, set it to the value of myFunc2, and run function x.
The typeof of 5 is number. What is the typeof of variable myFunc?
2. Make a function that calls itself once.
3. Call a function and print the result.
4. Print out the code of a function (that is, instead of calling it, print the code).
5. Declare an array. Print out its elements using a loop. Print out the length of the array.
6. Do either option (A) or option (B).
Option (A).
Make buttons demonstrating the questions above. Add them to your growing button-based encyclopedia of JavaScript buttons, or
start a new compendium of buttons that you could add to in future HWs.
Option (B).
Make, or improve, a simple game in Javascript. It should contain functions. You can build on a game handed in for a previous HW.
If you do that, be sure to make it very clear in embedded comments what lines of code are new or changed for
this assignment.