IFSC 3300 HW10, due W Oct. 30, 2024
Directions: Please provide the code for questions that involve coding. Send to IFSC3300HW@gmail.com.
1. a. The first exercise at the end of the W3schools "HTML Forms" lesson, which is linked from the lecture schedule in the syllabus. Give what you typed in, or a screen shot.
b. The second exercise at the end of the W3schools "HTML Forms" lesson.
c. The third exercise at the end of the W3schools "HTML Forms" lesson.
d. The first exercise near the end of the "HTML Form Elements" lesson.
e. The second exercise near the end of the "HTML Form Elements" lesson.
f. The third exercise near the end of the "HTML Form Elements" lesson.
2. For an html form’s submit input type, what does the name attribute do? The value attribute?
3. Explain how secure the HTML form input type password is.
4. Write a form. Include a bunch of different kinds/variations of form elements. The page should contain examples of various <input> types and attributes, along with accompanying HTML text that explains what happens. Merge this with the button collection from your previous HW, or start a new demo page without the previous buttons if you prefer.
5. Make the form submit its data to https://www.w3schools.com/action_page.php for processing. It should result in a page displaying something like this:
Submitted Form Data Your input was received as: __________________________________________________ firstName=John&lastName=Doe The server has processed your input and returned this answer. Note: This tutorial will not teach you how servers are processing input. Processing input is explained in our PHP tutorial. |
Submit your code. It will be mostly the same as for the preceding Q, since it just adds one more item of functionality.
6. Consider the form and form handler example
at https://dberleant.github.io/IFSC3300/lectureFormProcessingExample.html
that was discussed in class. Get the source code from the "View page
source" functionality of your web browser (on Chrome, right click on the
page, then click on “View page source”). Add comments to it by filling in the
blank comments numbers 1 through 33. (The first few comments are HTML comments,
not JavaScript comments, and are bracketed according
to <!- this is an HTML comment>.)
IMPORTANT: Send this in the body of your email. In particular,
do not submit as a link to a google drive document, because your comments will not show if someone clicks the link (they would have to
remember to download the document and then load it into an editor).
Do not do the questions below from previous semesters.
6. For this question, do not submit a sandbox link (because the w3schools sandbox environment doesn’t handle it right). Instead, put the answers directly into the body of your email. Modify the page at https://dberleant.github.io/IFSC3300/lectureFormProcessingExample.html. Make the form have, not two inputs as it currently has, but three. Call the new one "middle name". Modify the form processing to handle the three things instead of two as it does currently. Work directly with a browser and an HTML file, not a w3schools sandbox.
7. Capture the output of a form in your own page, extract from it, and show that it worked. Hint: if the form’s “action=” is left out or given no value, the form output will be sent to the current page (which will be reloaded). See the example we discussed in class, called “HTML form demo & exercise” in the syllabus.
8. Exercise 1 at end of lesson HTML Input Types.
9. Exercise 2 at end of lesson HTML Input Types.
10. Exercise 3 at end of lesson HTML Input Types.
11. Exercise 4 at end of lesson HTML Input Types.
12. Exercise 5 at end of lesson HTML Input Types.
13. Demonstrate 10 different form input attributes from the HTML Input Attributes lesson.