JavaScript regular expression notes
* is a start (but could use more explanation and examples)
* [l-p] means any letter from l to p
o I.e., l, m, n, o, or p
o /[l-p]e/gi means
* any letter from l to p
* followed by an e
* all the places where it occurs
o (the g is for global)
* ignoring whether they are upper or lower case
o (the i is for: insensitive to case)
* Check the example
o / indicates start of a regular expression object
o ^ matches only the beginning of a string
* it does not eat up a character
* matching fails if in the middle of a string
o \ is an escape character, modifying the next one
o d a numeral (digit) character
* not the letter d. Why not?
o { begin specifying a number of repeats
o 5 five \d characters
o } end specifying the number of \d characters
o $ matches only the end of a string
* it does not eat up a character
* matching fails if not at the end of a string
o Try it
o One could also try some of these features in a w3schools sandbox
* Not all browsers comply with everything
* Let’s try the example there
* and analyze it
o \b matches only the beginning or end of a word
o /b is the first part of a regular expression
o What is /b/?
o What is /\b/?
o /\bhello\b/gi does what?
o One could try some of these in a sandbox
o Not all browsers comply with everything
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