Featured book: D. Berleant, The Human Race to the Future: What Could Happen — and What to Do, Lifeboat, 4th edition, 2020.

Daniel Berleant

Department of Information Science
Engineering and Information Technology (EIT) Bldg., Rm. 562
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
2801 S. University Ave.
Little Rock, AR, 72204
(501) 916-5226
email: berleant@gmail.com, jdberleant@ualr.edu
website: http://dberleant.github.io

Ph.D.     1991     Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin
M.S. 1990 Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin
B.S. 1982 Computer Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2009-Present, Professor
2007-2008, Interim Chair, Department of Information Science
2006-2009, Associate Professor
University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Department of Information Science
University of Arkansas at Little Rock/University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Joint Graduate Program in Bioinformatics
Computer and Information Science PhD Program (2009-Present)
Technology Innovation Program (2010-2018)
1999-2006, Associate Professor
Iowa State University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Lawrence Baker Center for Bioinformatics and Biological Statistics (2000-2006)
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Program (2000-2006)
Information Infrastructure Institute (2003-2006)
Human Computer Interaction Graduate Program (2003-2006)
1997-1999, Associate Professor
1991-1997, Assistant Professor
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering (1998-1999)
Department of Computer Systems Engineering (1991-1998)
Adjunct, Department of Electrical Engineering (1993-1999)
1983-1991, Research Scientist Engineer Associate, Research Assistant, and Teaching Assistant
University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Sciences
1989, Technical Staff Member
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, Artificial Intelligence Group
1982-1983, Software Engineer
Sorcim Corp., San Jose, CA
1980-1982, Software Developer
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Psychology
1979, Project Manager
Quadex Corp., Cambridge, MA
Publications and other products (“*” indicates student author)

Journal articles
  1. G. Crossette-Thambiah, D. Berleant and A. AbuHalimeh, “An Information Quality Framework for Managed Health Care,” Journal of Healthcare Leadership (2024), 16:343-364.
  2. T. Ebsen, R. S. Segall, H. Aboudja and D. Berleant, “A customer service chatbot using Python, machine learning, and artificial intelligence,” Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (2024), 22(3):38-46.
  3. J. J. Forbus and D. Berleant, “Using discrete-event simulation to balance staff allocation and patient flow between clinic and surgery,” Modelling (2023), 4(4):567-584.
  4. P.-H. Tsai, D. Berleant, R. S. Segall, H. Aboudja, V J R Batthula, S. Duggirala, and M. Howell, “Quantitative technology forecasting: a review of trend extrapolation methods,” International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (2023), 20(4):2330002.
  5. V. J. R. Batthula, R. S. Segall, D. Berleant, H. Aboudja, and P.-H. Tsai, “Future Satellite lifetime prediction from the historical trend in satellite half-lives,” Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (2022), 20(3):40-45.
  6. J. J. Forbus and D. Berleant, “Discrete-event simulation in healthcare settings: a review,” Modelling (2022), 3(4):417-433.
  7. V. J. R. Batthula, R. S. Segall, M. Howell, H. Aboudja, D. Berleant and P. Tsai, “Forecasting of a technology using quantitative satellite lifetime data,” J. Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (2021), 19(5):78-83.
  8. M. C. Howell, D. Berleant, H. Aboudja, R. Segall, and P.-H. Tsai, “Is all technological progress a random walk?” Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science (2021), 75: Article 14.
  9. V. J. R. Batthula, R. S. Segall, D. Berleant, V. Kodali, M. Howell, and H. Aboudja, “Time series modeling of lifespans of Earth satellites,” J. Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (2020), 18(5):62-67.
  10. M. Howell, V. Kodali, R. Segall, H. Aboudja, and D. Berleant, “Moore’s law and space exploration: new insights and next steps,” Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science (2019), 73: Article 6, pp. 13-17.
  11. M. Howell, V. Kodali, V. Kreinovich, H. Aboudja, V. J. R. Batthula, R. Segall, and D. Berleant, “Trends in technology development in the US and USSR during the Space Race,” The Space Review (2019), Dec. 2.
  12. D. Berleant, V. Kodali, R. Segall, H. Aboudja, and M. Howell, “Moore's law, Wright's law, and the countdown to exponential space,” The Space Review (2019), Jan. 7.
  13. H. Berghel and D. Berleant, “The online trolling ecosystem,” Computer (2018), 51(8):44-51. Reprinted in ComputingEdge (May 2019), 5(5):38-45.
  14. V. Kodali, R. Duggirala, R. S. Segall, H. Aboudja, and D. Berleant, “Travel to extraterrestrial destinations over time: some exploratory analyses of mission data,” Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science (2018), 72: Article 13, pp. 58-66.
  15. N. Pippenger, R. S. Segall, D. Berleant, K. A. Eversole, R. A. Mustell, D. Vicuna-Requesens, and E. Hood, “Extracting numerical information about corn composition from text,” Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: JSCI (2015), 13(5):68-75.
  16. M. A. Bauer, D. Berleant, A. P. Cornell, and R. E. Belford, “WikiHyperGlossary (WHG): An information literacy technology for chemistry documents,” Journal of Cheminformatics (2015), 7:22.
  17. G. Anderson and D. Berleant, “Innovation theory and the National Robotics Initiative effort of the National Science Foundation,” Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences (2014), 100(1):1-20.
  18. L. Zhang, D. Berleant, J. Ding, and E. S. Wurtele, “Automatic extraction of biomolecular interactions: an empirical approach,” BMC Bioinformatics (2013), 14:234, doi.org/10.1186/1471-2105-14-234.
  19. R. E. Belford, M. A. Bauer, D. Berleant, J. L. Holmes, and J. W. Moore, “ChemEd DL WikiHyperGlossary: Connecting digital documents to online resources, while coupling social to canonical definitions within a glossary,” Proceedings of the 22nd Int. Conf. on Chemistry Education/11th European Conf. on Research in Chemical Education, La Chimica nella Scuola 34(Spec. 3) (2012), pp. 46-50. ISSN 0392-8942.
  20. L. Zhang, D. Berleant, Y. Wang, L. Li, D. Cook, and E. S. Wurtele, “BirdsEyeView: graphical overviews of experimental data,” BMC Bioinformatics (2012), 13(suppl 15):S11, doi.org/10.1186/1471-2105-13-S15-S11. (Refereed)
  21. M. A. Bauer* and D. Berleant, “Usability survey of biomedical question answering systems,” Human Genomics (2012), 6:17.
  22. J. D. Wren, D. M. Kupfer, E. J. Perkins, S. Bridges and D. Berleant, “Introduction: Proceedings of the 2010 MidSouth Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Society (MCBIOS) conference,” BMC Bioinformatics (2010), 11(Suppl 6):S1, doi.org/10.1186/1471-2105-11-S6-S1.
  23. M. A. Bauer*, R. E. Belford, J. Ding, and D. Berleant, “ISDB: Interaction Sentence Database,” BMC Research Notes (2010), 3:122, doi.org/10.1186/1756-0500-3-122.
  24. D. Berleant, M. White, E. Pierce, E. Tudoreanu, A. Boeszoermenyi*, Y. Shtridelman* and J. C. Macosko, “The genetic code – more than just a table,” Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics (2009), 55(2):107-116, doi.org/10.1007/s12013-009-9060-9.
  25. L. Zhang*, D. Berleant, J. Ding, T. Cao, and E. S. Wurtele, “PathBinder — text empirics and automatic extraction of biomolecular interactions,” BMC Bioinformatics (2009), 10(suppl 11):S18, doi.org/10.1186/1471-2105-10-S11-S18. (Refereed)
  26. J. Ding*, D. Berleant, J. Xu, K. Juhlin, E. Wurtele and A. Fulmer, “GeneNarrator: mining the literaturome for relations among genes,” Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics (2009), 2:360-371, doi.org/10.4172/jpb.1000096.
  27. J. D. Wren, Y. Gusev, R. D. Isokpehi, D. Berleant, U. Braga-Neto, D. Wilkins and S. Bridges, “Proceedings of the 2009 MidSouth Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Society (MCBIOS) conference,” BMC Bioinformatics (2009), 10(Suppl 11):S1, doi.org/10.1186/1471-2105-10-S11-S1.
  28. D. Berleant, L. Andrieu, J.-P. Argaud, F. Barjon, M.-P. Cheong*, M. Dancre, G. Sheble, and C.-C. Teoh*, “Portfolio management under epistemic uncertainty using stochastic dominance and Information-Gap Theory,” International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (2008), 49(1):101-116.
  29. D. Berleant, M. Ceberio, G. Xiang, and V. Kreinovich, “Towards adding probabilities and correlations to interval computations,” International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (2007), 46:499-510.
  30. V. Kreinovich, D. Berleant, O. Kosheleva, and H. T. Nguyen, “Unimodality, independence lead to NP-hardness of interval probability problems,” Reliable Computing (2007), 13(3):261-282.
  31. D. Berleant, F. G. Cozman, O. Kosheleva, V. Kreinovich, “Dealing with imprecise Probabilities: interval-related talks at ISIPTA'05,” Reliable Computing (2006), 12(2):153-165.
  32. J. Ding*, L. M. Hughes*, D. Berleant, A. W. Fulmer, and E. S. Wurtele, “PubMed Assistant: a biologist-friendly interface for enhanced PubMed search,” Bioinformatics (2006), 22(3):378-380.
  33. J. Ding*, K. Viswanathan*, D. Berleant, L. Hughes, E. S. Wurtele, D. Ashlock, J. Dickerson, A. Fulmer, and P. S. Schnable, “Using the biological taxonomy to access biological literature with PathBinderH,” Bioinformatics (2005), 21(10):2560-2562.
  34. J. Ding* and D. Berleant, MedKit: a helper toolkit for automatic mining of MEDLINE/PubMed citations,” Bioinformatics (2005), 21:694-695.
  35. D. Berleant and J. Zhang*, “Bounding the times to failure of 2-component systems,” IEEE Transactions on Reliability (2004), 53(4):542-550.
  36. H. Regan, S. Ferson and D. Berleant, “Equivalence of methods for uncertainty propagation of real-valued random variables,” International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (2004), 36:1-30.
  37. D. Berleant and V. Nesterov, “Editors’ note,” Reliable Computing (2004), 10(2):81-82.
  38. D. Berleant and J. Zhang*, “Using Pearson correlation to improve envelopes around the distributions of functions,” Reliable Computing (2004), 10(2):139-161.
  39. D. Berleant and J. Zhang*, “Representation and problem solving with Distribution Envelope Determination (DEnv),” Reliability Engineering and System Safety (2004), 85(1-3):153-168.
  40. D. Berleant, L. Xie*, and J. Zhang*, “Statool: a tool for Distribution Envelope Determination (DEnv), an interval-based algorithm for arithmetic on random variables,” Reliable Computing (2003), 9(2):91-108.
  41. D. Berleant, M.-P. Cheong*, C. Chu, Y. Guan, A. Kamal, G. Sheblé, S. Ferson, and J. F. Peters, “Dependable handling of uncertainty,” Reliable Computing (2003),9(6):407-418. (Invited.)
  42. D. Berleant, “Safe and effective computer arithmetic” (a review of Scientific Computing, Validated Numerics, Interval Methods, Joint Proceedings of SCAN 2000 and Interval 2000, ed. by W. Krämer and J. von Gudenberg, Kluwer Academic/Plenum, 2001), The Computer Journal (2002), 45(5):578-579. (Invited.)
  43. D. Berleant, “Does typography affect proposal assessment?,” Communications of the ACM (August 2000), 43(8):24-25.
  44. H. Berghel, D. Berleant, T. Foy*, and M. McGuire*, “Cyberbrowsing: information customization on the Web,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science (JASIS) (1999), 50(10):505-511.
  45. J. Simonson, D. Berleant, X. Zhang*, M. Xie*, and H. Vo*, “Version augmented URI's for reference permanence via an Apache Module design,” Computer Networks and ISDN Systems (1998), 30(1-7):337-345. Also presented at the Seventh International World Wide Web Conference (WWW7), Brisbane, Australia.
  46. D. Berleant and C. Goodman-Strauss, “Bounding the results of arithmetic operations on random variables of unknown dependency using intervals,” Reliable Computing (1998), 4(2):147-165.
  47. D. Berleant and H. Cheng*, “A software tool for automatically verified operations on intervals and probability distributions,” Reliable Computing (1998), 4(1):71-82.
  48. D. Berleant and B. Kuipers, “Qualitative and quantitative simulation: bridging the gap,” Artificial Intelligence (1997), 95(2):215-255.
  49. D. Berleant, L. Shi*, X. Wei*, K. Viswanathan*, C. Chai*, N. Majid*, Y. Qu*, and P. Sunkara*, “LEARN: software for foreign language vocabulary acquisition from English unrestricted text,” Computer Assisted Language Learning (1997), 10(2):107-120.
  50. D. Berleant,“Engineering Word Experts for word disambiguation,” Natural Language Engineering (1995), 1(4):339-362.
  51. D. Berleant and B. Liu*, “Robert's Rules of Order for e-mail meetings,” Computer (Nov. 1995), 28(11):84-85. This was an IEEE Computer Society Top Takes on Computing Technology article, having "... appeared in the Top Ten Articles listings, which are identified by actual & visitor's views."
  52. D. Berleant, “A unified representation for numerical and qualitative simulations,” Applied Computing Review (1995), 3(1):23-26.
  53. D. Berleant and H. Berghel, “Customizing information: part 2, how successful are we so far?,” Computer (Aug. 1994), 27(10):76-78.
  54. D. Berleant and H. Berghel, “Customizing information: part 1, getting what we need, when we need it,” Computer (Sept. 1994), 27(9):96-98.
  55. H. Berghel and D. Berleant, “The challenge of customizing cybermedia,” Heuristics (1994), 7(2):33-43.
  56. R. R. Goforth and D. Berleant, “A simulation model to assist in managing the HIV epidemic: IMAP2,” Simulation (1994), 63(2):128-136, doi.org/10.1177/003754979406300208.
  57. D. Berleant, S. Lovelady*, and K. Viswanathan*, “A foreign vocabulary learning aid for the networked world of tomorrow: the LEARN project,” SIGICE Bulletin (1994), 19(3):22-29.
  58. D. Berleant, R. Goforth, and J. Yuan*, A computer model for predicting AIDS incidence among intravenous drug abusers,” Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Sciences (1993), 47(Article 6):15-19.
  59. D. Berleant, “Automatically verified reasoning with both intervals and probability density functions,” Interval Computations 1993(2):48-70.
  1. D. Berleant (project leader), PubMed Assistant, a biologist friendly interface for enhanced PubMed searches, at http://metnet.vrac.iastate.edu/browser. On-line as of 2005.
  2. D. Berleant (project leader), PathBinderH, a large bioinformatics text repository, at www.plantgenomics.iastate.edu/PathBinderH. On-line as of 2005.
  3. D. Berleant (project leader), MetNet PathBinder, a plant metabolomics text repository currently being integrated into the overall MetNet system as part of an NSF-funded project. http://metnet.vrac.iastate.edu/MetNet_PathBinder.htm. On-line as of 2005.
  4. D. Berleant (project leader), Statool, a system for arithmetic on partially specified probability distributions. http://ualr.edu/jdberleant/statool/index.htm.
Book chapters
  1. D. Berleant, “Dialogues With the Docuverse Is the First Step,” chapter in F. A. Heglund, ed., The Future of Text II, 2021, pp. 59-61.
  2. D. Berleant, “Day of contact,” chapter in M. Newmann, S. McDaniel and N. Sutula, eds., The Road Taken Anyway: an Anthology of Bad Ways to Start a Trip, CASFWG, 2014.
  3. M. Mete*, N. Yuruk*, X. Xu, and D. Berleant, “Knowledge discovery in textual databases: a concept-association mining approach,” chapter 11 of Y. Chan, J. Talburt and T. Talley, eds., Data Engineering: Mining, Information and Intelligence, Springer, 2010, pp. 225-244.
  4. D. Berleant, J. Ding*, L. Hughes*, A. Fulmer, E. Wurtele, K. Viswanathan, and P. S. Schnable, “PathBinderH: a tool for sentence-focused, plant taxonomy-sensitive access to the biological literature,” chapter 5 in G. P. Rao, C. Wagner & R. K. Singh, eds., Application of Genomics and Bioinformatics in Plants, Studium Press LLC, Houston, 2008, pp. 121-136.
  5. D. Berleant, G. Anderson, and C. Goodman-Strauss, “Arithmetic on bounded families of distributions: a DEnv algorithm tutorial,” chapter 9 in C. Hu, R.B. Kearfott, A. de Korvin, and V. Kreinovich, eds., Knowledge Processing with Interval and Soft Computing, pp. 183-210, Springer, 2008 (ISBN 978-1-84800-325-5).
  6. E. S. Wurtele, L. Li, D. Berleant, D. Cook, J. A. Dickerson, J. Ding*, H. Hofmann, M. Lawrence*, E. K. Lee*, J. Li*, W. Mentzen, L. Miller, B. J. Nikolau, N. Ransom*, and Y. Wang, “MetNet: systems biology software for Arabidopsis,” in B. J. Nikolau and E. S. Wurtele, Concepts in Plant Metabolomics, Springer, 2007, pp. 145-158.
  7. J. A. Dickerson, D. Berleant, P. Du*, J. Ding*, C. M. Foster*, L. Li*, and E. S. Wurtele, “Creating, modeling, and visualizing metabolic networks,” chapter 17 in H. Chen, S. S. Fuller, C. Friedman, and W. Hersh, eds., Medical Informatics: Knowledge Management and Data Mining in Biomedicine, Springer, 2005, pp. 491-518.
  8. J. A. Dickerson, D. Berleant, Z. Cox*, W. Qi*, D. Ashlock, E. S. Wurtele, and A. W. Fulmer, “Creating metabolic network models using text mining and fuzzy expert systems,” in J. T. L. Wang, C. H. Wu, and P. Wang, eds., Computational Biology and Genome Informatics, World Scientific Publishing Co., 2003, pp. 207-238.
  9. D. Berleant, “Testing and qualification,” in W. D. Brown, ed., Advanced Electronic Packaging: with Emphasis on Multichip Modules, Instructor's Solutions Manual, IEEE Press, 1998, pp. 62-67.
  10. S. Kolluru* and D. Berleant, “Testing and qualification,” chapter 12 in W. D. Brown, ed., Advanced Electronic Packaging: With Emphasis on Multichip Modules, IEEE Press, 1998, pp. 447-491.
  11. D. Berleant, “Automatically verified arithmetic on probability distributions and intervals,” in B. Kearfott and V. Kreinovich, eds., Applications of Interval Computations, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996, pp. 227-244.
  12. R. Doyle, U. Fayyad, D. Berleant, L. Charest, L. de Mello, H. Porta and M. Weismeyer, “Sensor selection in complex systems monitoring using information quantification and causal reasoning,” in B. Faltings and S. Struss, eds., Recent Advances in Qualitative Physics, MIT Press, 1992, pp. 229-244.
  13. D. Berleant and B. Kuipers, “Qualitative-numeric simulation with Q3,” in B. Faltings and S. Struss, eds., Recent Advances in Qualitative Physics, MIT Press, 1992, pp. 3-16. (Preliminary versions in AAAI's 1990 MBR Workshop and in the 4th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning 1990.)
Proceedings – full paper reviewed
  1. A. McDonald, R. S. Segall, P.-H. Tsai, and D. Berleant, “Predicting Future Participation of Women in Space by Analyzing Past Trends, Proceedings of the 28th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2024), ISBN 978-1-950492-79-4, pp. 228-235.
  2. V. Kodali and D. Berleant, “Visual Question Answering (VQA) on Images with Superimposed Text,” Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2023, Vol. 3, pp. 288-299, Springer, Cham.
  3. W. Dai and D. Berleant, “ASI: Accuracy-Stability Index for Evaluating Deep Learning Models,” 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData), pp. 4284-4289.
  4. G. Sundaram and D. Berleant, “Automating Systematic Literature Reviews with Natural Language Processing and Text Mining: a Systematic Literature Review,” Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology (ICICT 2023), Feb. 20-23, 2023, Vol. 1, pp. 73-92.
  5. A. Jordan and D. Berleant, “Data Science Knowledge and Skills That Reliability Engineers Need: A Survey,” 2023 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), Orlando, FL, USA, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/RAMS51473.2023.10088219.
  6. S. Duggirala, H. Aboudja, V. J. Batthula, M. Howell, R. S. Segall, P.-H. Tsai, D. Berleant, “Women in Space: From Historical Trend to Future Forecasts,” Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science (2023), 102:124-131.
  7. W. Dai and D. Berleant, “Discovering Limitations of Image Quality Assessments with Noised Deep Learning Image Sets,” 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData 2022), Osaka, Japan, 2022, pp. 3735-3744, doi: 10.1109/BigData55660.2022.10020507.
  8. V. Kodali and D. Berleant, “Recent, Rapid Advancement in Visual Question Answering Architecture: a Review,” in Proc. 22nd IEEE International Conference on EIT (2022), May 19-21, p. 139-146, doi.org/10.1109/eIT53891.2022.9813988.
  9. W. Dai and D. Berleant, “Benchmarking Robustness of Deep Learning Classifiers Using Two-Factor Perturbation,” 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData 2021), Dec. 15-18, pp. 5085-5094.
  10. P.-H. Tsai, D. Berleant, R. S. Segall, H. Aboudja, V. J. R. Batthula and M. Howell, “Spacecraft for Deep Space Exploration: Combining Time and Budget to Model the Trend in Lifespan,” in K. Arai, ed., Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2021, Vol. 3, pp. 323-339, Oct. 28-29, Vancouver, doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-89912-7_25.
  11. K. Oyoo and D. Berleant, “An Automated Data Validation Approach to Enterprise Asset Management for Power and Utilities Organizations,” 2021 IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC), Oct. 21-31, pp. 1-6.
  12. J. Elliot and D. Berleant, “An Information Quality Framework for College and University Websites, 18th International Conference on Information Technology—New Generations (ITNG 2021), Apr. 11-14, pp. 509-518 (pub. by Springer).
  13. W. Dai and D. Berleant, “Benchmarking contemporary deep learning hardware and frameworks: a survey of qualitative metrics,” IEEE First International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence (CogMI), Dec. 12-14, 2019, Los Angeles, pp. 148-155.
  14. Y. Yiliyasi and D. Berleant, “World oil reserves data: information quality assessment and analysis,” 16th International Conference on Information Quality, Nov. 18-20, 2011, Adelaide, Australia, proceedings at http://iciq2011.unisa.edu.au/doc/ICIQ2011_Proceeding_Nov.zip.
  15. M. C. Howe, D. Berleant and A. Everett, “The ‘ttime’ package: performance evaluation in a cluster computing environment,” 5th BioNanoTox (Biology, Nanotechnology, Toxicology) and Applications International Research Conference, AIP Conference Proceedings 1326, American Institute of Physics, Nov. 4-5, 2010, Little Rock, pp. 150-155. ISBN 978-0-7354-0906-4.
  16. D. Berleant, K. Villaverde, and O. M. Kosheleva, “Towards a more realistic representation of uncertainty: an approach motivated by info-gap decision theory,” Proceedings of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS ’08), May 19-22, New York.
  17. M.-P. Cheong*, G. B. Sheble, D. Berleant, C.-C. Teoh*, J.-P. Argaud, M. Dancre, L. Andrieu and F. Barjon, “Second-order stochastic dominance portfolio optimization for an electric energy company,” Proceedings of Power Tech 2007, July 1-5, Lausanne.
  18. D. Berleant and G. T. Anderson, “Decision-making under severe uncertainty for autonomous mobile robots,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Oct. 7-10, 2007, Montréal.
  19. M. Ceberio, G. Xiang, L. Longpré, V. Kreinovich, H.T. Nguyen, and D. Berleant, “Two etudes on combining probabilistic and interval uncertainty: processing correlations and measuring loss of privacy,” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies, Dec. 12-15, 2006, Taipei, pp. 8-17.
  20. M.-P. Cheong*, G. B. Sheblé, and D. Berleant, “Knowledge extraction and data mining for the competitive electricity auction market,” Proceedings of The 9th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS 2006), Stockholm, June 11-15, 2006.
  21. D. Berleant, O. Kosheleva, and H. T. Nguyen, “Adding unimodality or independence makes interval probability problems NP-hard,” Proceedings of the Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU 2006), Paris, France, July 2-7, 2006, pp. 833-839.
  22. V. Kreinovich, D. Berleant, S. Ferson, and W. A. Lodwick, “Combining interval, probabilistic, and fuzzy uncertainty: foundations, algorithms, challenges – an overview,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms (FNG’05), Tijuana, Oct. 13-14, 2005.
  23. M.-P. Cheong*, G. Sheblé, D. Berleant, J. Zhang*, and G. Kahrimanis, “Uncertainty quantification in a model electric energy bidding problem: a multi-criteria decision making approach,” Proceedings of the 15th Power Systems Computation Conference, Liège, Belgium, Aug. 22-26, 2005.
  24. J. Zhang* and D. Berleant, “Arithmetic on random variables: squeezing the envelopes with new joint distribution constraints,” Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium On Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications (ISIPTA ’05), Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, July 20-23 2005, pp. 416-422.
  25. D. Berleant, M. Dancre, J.-P. Argaud, and G. Sheble, “Electric company portfolio optimization under interval stochastic dominance constraints,” Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium On Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications (ISIPTA ’05), Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, July 20-23 2005, pp. 51-57.
  26. J. Ding* and D. Berleant, “Design of a Standoff Object-Oriented Markup Language (SOOML) for annotating biomedical literature,” 7th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), Miami, May 25-28, 2005, pp. 382-385.
  27. D. Berleant, J. Miao, M. Arvold*, J. Brown*, R. DeVries*, T. Drucker*, L. Elkin*, C. Gofron*, and K.-H. Kim*, “Head-tail display: a lightweight approach to query-dependent document display,” Hypertext 2004, Santa Cruz, CA, Aug. 9-13, 2004, pp. 22-23.
  28. M.-P. Cheong*, D. Berleant, and G. Sheblé, “Information Gap Decision Theory as a tool for strategic bidding in competitive electricity markets,” Proceedings, 8th Int. Conf. on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, Sept. 12-16, 2004, Ames, Iowa. (Awarded one of the student prize paper awards.)
  29. J. Miao* and D. Berleant, “From paragraph networks to document networks,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology (ITCC 2004), April 5-7, Las Vegas, Vol. 1, pp. 295-303.
  30. D. Berleant, J. Miao*, Z. Gu*, and D. Xu*, “Toward dialogues with documents: MultiBrowser,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology (ITCC 2004), April 5-7, Las Vegas, Vol. 1, pp. 287-294.
  31. J. Ding*, D. Berleant, J. Xu, and A. W. Fulmer, “Extracting biochemical interactions from MEDLINE using a link grammar parser,” in Proceedings of the Fifteenth IEEE Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2003), Nov. 3-5, Sacramento, pp. 467-471.
  32. J. Miao* and D. Berleant, “A graph based approach to comparing search engines, proceedings,” Fifth Russian Conference on Digital Libraries, St. Petersburg, Oct. 29-31, 2003.
  33. M.-P. Cheong*, D. Berleant, and G. Sheblé, “On the dependency relationship between bids,” in Proceedings of the 35th North American Power Symposium, Rolla, Missouri, Oct. 20-22, 2003.
  34. J. Ding*, D. Berleant, D. Nettleton, and E. Wurtele, “Mining MEDLINE: abstracts, sentences, or phrases?,” Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 7 (2002), Kaua'i, Hawaii, Jan. 3-7, pp. 326-337. (Also available at psb.stanford.edu.)
  35. D. Berleant, Z. Gu*, S. Russell, J. F. Peters, S. Ramanna, and H. Berghel, “Using software engineering concepts and techniques to leverage learning: a novel approach, 2001 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings, Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 24-27, 12 pages.
  36. J. A. Dickerson, D. Berleant, Z. Cox*, W. Qi*, D. Ashlock, and E. Wurtele, “Creating metabolic network models using text mining and expert knowledge,” Atlantic Symposium on Computational Biology, Genome Information Systems & Technology (CBGIST 2001), pp. 26-30.
  37. D. Berleant, “Models for reader interaction systems,” Ninth International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Washington, D.C., Nov. 6-11, 2000, ACM Press, pp. 127-133.
  38. J. Simonson, D. Berleant, and A. Bayyari*, “Document authentication and permanence service,” HyperText 2000, May 30 - June 3, San Antonio, Texas, pp. 226-227.
  39. D. Berleant and B. Liu*, “Is sensitivity analysis more fault tolerant than point prediction?,” Simulation in the Medical Sciences: Proceedings of the 1997 Western MultiConference, The Society for Computer Simulation International, pp. 196-199.
  40. D. L. Andrews, J. M. Conrad, L. Schaper, S. A. Mengel, and D. Berleant, “Design of a high speed MIMD distributed processor node using MCM technology,” Proceedings of the 1993 International Electronics Packaging Conference, Sept., San Diego, International Electronics Packaging Society, pp. 132-139.
  41. J. Mathew*, J. M. Conrad, and D. Berleant, “Word sense disambiguation by constraint satisfaction: a feasibility study,” Proceedings of the Arkansas Computer Conference, Oct. 14-15, 1993, Little Rock, Arkansas Society for Computer and Information Technology, pp. 74-79.
  42. D. Berleant, H. Berghel, and K. Viswanathan*, “Electronic information management: a perspective,Proceedings of the Arkansas Computer Conference, Oct. 14-15, 1993, Little Rock, Arkansas Society for Computer and Information Technology, pp. 50-57.
  43. R. R. Goforth, D. Berleant, K. Bognaes*, and H. Bushar, “Histogram editing for semi-quantitative data input in interactive simulations,” Proceedings of the 1993 ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, Indiana, ACM Press, pp. 627-633.
  44. D. Berleant and R. Kaduchak*, “Learn a foreign language in (almost) zero minutes a day: a computer-assisted instruction system,” Proceedings of the Arkansas Computer Conference, Oct. 29-30, 1992, Little Rock, Arkansas Society for Computer and Information Technology, pp. 57-62.
  45. D. Berleant, R. R. Goforth, and A. Khanna*, “Comparison of simulation with PDFs vs. fuzzy values,” Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Simulation in Industrial Engineering and in Problems of Urban Development, Nov. 18-19, 1992, Mexico City, Society for Computer Simulation, pp. I9-I15.
  46. D. Berleant, A. Chandra, K. Bognaes*, C.-G. Liaw, L. Sheng* and J. Ch'ng*, “Probabilities of qualitative behaviors for dependability analysis of a fault-tolerance model,” Proceedings of the 1992 ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, Mar. 1-3, 1992, Kansas City, ACM Press, pp. 883-889.
  47. D. Berleant, “Qualitative-quantitative simulation: in brief,” Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference on AI, Simulation and Planning in High Autonomy Systems, Apr. 1-2, 1991, Cocoa Beach, Florida, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 233-240.
  48. D. Berleant and B. Kuipers, “Combined qualitative and numerical simulation with Q3,” 4th International Workshop on Qualitative Physics, July 9-12, 1990, Lugano, Switzerland, pp. 140-152.
  49. D. Berleant*, “A unification of numerical and qualitative model simulation,” Proceedings of the 1989 Workshop on Model Based Reasoning, sponsored by AAAI, pp. 91-96.
  50. R. Doyle, D. Berleant*, L. Falcone, and U. Fayyad*, “Selective simulation and selective sensor interpretation in monitoring,” Proceedings of the AIAA Computers in Aerospace VII Conference and Exhibit, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1989, pp. 859-870.
  51. B. Kuipers and D. Berleant*, “Using incomplete quantitative knowledge in qualitative reasoning,” Proceedings of the Seventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-88), Morgan-Kaufmann, Los Altos, California, pp. 324-329. (Also presented at the Qualitative Physics Workshop, 1988).
Proceedings – other
  1. C. A. Hall, D. Berleant, R. Segall, and S. Lu, Steps toward quantifying advancement in space exploration, Proceedings of WMSCI 2017, July 8-11, 2017, Orlando, FL.
  2. R. Belford, D. Berleant, and M. Bauer, “WikiHyperGlossary: digital information literacy technology,” slides and transcript paper in The Future of Text Fifth Annual Symposium, Dec. 9-10, 2015, Palo Alto, CA.
  3. R. S. Segall, S. Atiff, D. Berleant, C. Biedenbender, K. Eversole, E. Hood, J. Pamarthi, and D. Vicuna, “Using text mining for data classification & categorization: research in progress,” Proceedings of the ALAR Conference on Applied Research in Information Technology, April 9, 2010, Conway, AR, pp. 73-77.
  4. D. Berleant, J. Zhang*, and G. Sheblé, “Activity networks and uncertainty quantification: 2nd-order probability for solving graphs of concurrent and sequential tasks,” Proceedings, NSF Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing, Savannah Georgia, Sept. 15-17, 2004, pp. 53-67.
  5. D. Xu*, D. Berleant, G. Takle, and Z. Pan, “A better understanding of the effects of software defects in weather simulation,” WRF/MM5 User’s Workshop poster session, Boulder, June 22-25, 2004.
  6. J. Zhang* and D. Berleant, “Envelopes around cumulative distribution functions from interval parameters of standard continuous distributions,” Proceedings, North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS 2003), Chicago, pp. 407-412.
  7. D. Berleant, J. Zhang*, R. Hu*, and G. Sheblé, “Economic dispatch: applying the interval-based distribution envelope algorithm to an electric power problem,” SIAM Workshop on Validated Computing 2002 Extended Abstracts, Toronto, May 23-25, pp. 32-35. (Entire submission refereed.)
  8. D. Berleant, L. Xie*, J. Zhang*, and G. Sheblé, “An improved tool for distribution envelope determination, a technique for interval-based, verified arithmetic on random variables,” SIAM Workshop on Validated Computing 2002 Extended Abstracts, Toronto, May 23-25, pp. 26-31. (Entire submission refereed.)
  9. G. Sheblé and D. Berleant, “Bounding the composite value at risk for energy service company operation with DEnv, an interval-based algorithm,” SIAM Workshop on Validated Computing 2002, Extended Abstracts, Toronto, May 23-25, pp. 166-171. (Entire submission refereed.)
  10. J. N. Davis and D. Berleant, “The ‘problem’ of foreign/second-language reading: a technological solution,” Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Technology in Education (ICTE), Santa Fe, March 8-11, 1998. (Abstract refereed.)
  11. R. Goforth and D. Berleant, “The use of probability density functions in an epidemiological model and computer simulation,” abstract, Second Asian Mathematical Conference (AMC95), Oct. 17-20, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, p. 107. (Abstract refereed.)
  12. H. Cheng*, and D. Berleant, “A software tool for automatically verified reasoning with intervals and probability distributions,” International Journal of Reliable Computing Supplement (peer-refereed extended abstracts of APIC '95 International Workshop on Applications of Interval Computations), El Paso, TX, Feb. 23-25, pp. 58-61. (Entire submission refereed.)
  13. D. Berleant, H. Cheng*, P. Hoang*, M. Ibrahim*, S. Jamil*, and P. Krovvidi*, “Robustness measurement: an approach to assessing simulation program reliability,” in M. J. Chinni, ed., Proceedings of the Military, Government and Aerospace Simulation Conference, The Society for Computer Simulation, 1994 (ISBN 1-56555-072-2), pp. 165-170.
  14. D. Berleant* and A. Chandra*, “Probabilities of qualitative behaviors for dependability analysis: overview,” Model Based Reasoning Workshop Notes, AAAI-91, July. (Earlier version in Knowledge Based Construction of Probabilistic and Decision Models Workshop Notes, AAAI-91.) (Entire submission refereed.)
Patents & Applications
  1. E. E. Hood, K. A. Eversole, J. D. Berleant, R. S. Segall, R. A. Mustell, D. V. Requesens, Method and System for Data Collection and Analysis to Assist in Facilitating Regulatory Approval of a Product, U.S. patent application number 20110224933, Sept. 15, 2011.
  2. J. D. Berleant, Jar Lid Hook, U.S. patent application number 20190241333, Aug. 8, 2019.
Other publications
  1. D. Berleant, “The Delphi Method,” Tomorrow's Learning Library, Teach the Future, teachthefuture.org, 2016.
  2. J. Berleant, D. Ashlock and D. Berleant, “Evolutionary modeling using state-conditioned L-systems,” Conference of the Mid-South Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Society (MCBIOS), College Station, TX, Apr. 1-2, 2011. (Abstract)
  3. D. Berleant, “New Plant Paradigms (Part X: Power Plants, Greening the Desert, Phyto-Terraforming, and Recommendations),” Lifeboat Foundation, Sept. 19, 2010. (More)
  4. D. Berleant, “Combining evidence: the Naïve Bayes model vs. semi-naïve evidence combination,” Software Artifact Research and Development Laboratory Technical Report SARD04-11, 2004.
  5. G. Kahrimanis and D. Berleant, “Direct Pivotal Predictive Inference,” arXiv.org, Oct. 19, 2004.
  6. M.-P. Cheong, G. B. Sheblé, and D. Berleant, “Business intelligence using information gap decision theory and data mining approach in competitive bidding,” report, EPRC/PAR 41st Annual Meeting, 2004.
  7. S. Ferson, J. Hajagos*, D. Berleant, J. Zhang*, W. T. Tucker, L. Ginzburg, and W. Oberkampf, “Dependence in Dempster-Shafer theory and probability bounds analysis,” Technical Report SAND2004-3072, Sandia National Laboratory, October 2004.
  8. D. Berleant, “Tip on using mid-course evaluations,Relative to Teaching newsletter, Teaching and Faculty Support Center, U. of Arkansas, Fayetteville, April, 1996.
  9. D. Berleant, “Software ‘robustness’ assessment addresses the question: ‘how much do bugs matter?,’” Arkansas Computer Bulletin 8 (1) (Winter 1995), p. 8.
  10. T. L. Feuerstein, D. E. Jessup, C. Keavney, T. Silverstein, D. Berleant, M. Grant & J. B. Mitton, “Symmetry: For the Birds?” Science News (1995), 147(16), 243-252.
  11. D. Berleant, “From the industrial age to the information age: research projects are constructing missing links,” Arkansas Computer Bulletin 7 (7) pp. 4-6. Portions also appear in Arkansas Razorbytes 2(1) (Spring 1994).
  12. D. Berleant with others, “The Computer Cartooned,” cartoons about computers, serialized in the Arkansas Computer Bulletin, 1993-94. From the unpublished manuscript.
  13. D. Berleant, The Use of Quantitative Information with Qualitative Reasoning, technical report AI91-163, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin, August 1991.
  14. D. Berleant, The Use of Partial Quantitative Information with Qualitative Reasoning, dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 1991.
  15. D. Berleant, “Constraint propagation by Waltz Filtering is sound,” Constraint Directed Reasoning Workshop Notes, AAAI-90, pp. 2-11.
  16. D. Berleant, “Probabilities of qualitative behaviors from probability distributions on inputs,” technical report AI90-136, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin, August 1990.
  17. B. Kuipers and D. Berleant, A Smooth Integration of Incomplete Quantitative Knowledge into Qualitative Simulation, technical report AI90-122, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin, January 1990.
  18. U. Fayyad, D. Berleant, L. Charest, R. Doyle, L. Falcone, K. Kandt, and G. Tsuyuki, Selective Processing in Monitoring Autumn 1989 Report, JPL D-7103, Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Media interviews, panels, etc.
  1. [2020] V. Vasileva and M. Maisuradze, “Facebook и выборы” (Facebook and elections), video with my commentary at time 1:48, Voice of America, October 27.
  2. [2020] V. Vasileva and D. Gogokhia, “Мошенничество в соцсетях” (Social media fraud), video with my commentary at time 3:04, Voice of America, June 20.
  3. [2015] D. Faggella, podcast interview, “Tuning the keys for robot harmony - future automations with Daniel Berleant,” TechEmergence, Oct. 4.
  4. [2013] D. Berleant as told to Harry Cheadle, “When are we going to finally colonize space?VICE, Aug. 12.
  5. [2011] D. Berleant, "Some Lessons I Have Learned...or...'That's Life'," (also in PDF format); Careers In Academia panel, HIT@UCA: Applied Research In Health Information, REU summer program, U. Central Arkansas, Jun. 20.
  6. [2005] D. Berleant, “Further Computational Challenges Regarding CDF Bounds/P-Boxes/Credal Sets…,” Fourth International Symposium On Imprecise Probabilities And Their Applications (ISIPTA ’05), Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, July 23. (Invited panel)
  7. [2002] D. Berleant and others, “Validation Workshop Panel,” SIAM Workshop on Validated Computing, Toronto, May 24. (Invited panel)
  8. [1991] D. Berleant, “Perspectives in AI,” Arkansas Computer Conference, Little Rock, Arkansas, October 18. (Invited panel)
Posters, presentations, etc. (partial list)
  1. [2023] P. DelNero, P. Thumukunta, D. Kurapati, D. Berleant, M. Schootman, and S. Wilson, "Catchment Area Research to Address the Population Burden of Cancer in Arkansas," UAMS Cancer Institute Research Retreat, May. (Invited presentation)
  2. [2022] D. Berleant, H. Aboudja, V. J. Batthula, M. Howell, P.-H. Tsai, and R. Segall, "Moore’s Law: Extension to Exponential Increase in Lifetimes of Interplanetary Spacecraft," Southeast Symposium on Contemporary Engineering Topics, Sept. 16, Little Rock, AR. (Invited presentation)
  3. [2019] D. Berleant, K. Bohon, P. Williams, and E. Hood, "From Better Corn to New Plant Paradigms," 5th Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Bioinformatics Consortium (AR-BIC 2019), Feb. 25-26, Little Rock, AR. (Invited presentation)
  4. [2018] R. Segall, R. Duggirala, V. Kodali, D. Berleant, and H. Aboudja, "Steps Toward Measuring World Space Exploration Activity," 102nd Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Academy of Science, Jonesboro, AR, Apr. 6-7. (Presentation)
  5. [2017] B. Clark, B. Murphy, P. Tran, D. Berleant, R. Stuart, and R. Belford, "Comparing GHS Hazard Statements Between Different Sources," 253rd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 4, 2017. (Presentation)
  6. [2016] A.P. Cornell, R. E. Belford, M. A. Bauer, D. Berleant, O. Rothenberger, and H. Bergwerf, "Integration of a Spectral Viewer for Data Stored in an Open Source Electronic Lab Notebook," 251st ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 13, 2016. (Presentation)
  7. [2016] D. Faggella, with 33 researchers including D. Berleant, "Could Artificial Intelligence Become Conscious? 33 researchers contribute their opinions," TechEmergence, Feb. 1.
  8. [2015] R. Belford, M. Bauer, and D. Berleant, "WikiHyperGlossary: Digital Information Literacy Technology," Future of Text Symposium, Palo Alto, CA, Dec. 9-10. (Presentation)
  9. [2015] M. A. Bauer, A. P. Cornell, D. Berleant, and R. E. Belford, "DeepLit WikiHyperGlossary," 250th ACS National Meeting, August 16-20, Boston. (Presentation; abstract in Chemical Information Bulletin, 67(3):102)
  10. [2015] R. E. Belford, D. Berleant, J. L. Holmes, S. Chalk, and M. A. Bauer, DeepLit WikiHyhperGlossary (WHG) and Cheminformatics OLCC, Gordon Conference on Chemical Education Research and Practice, Bates College, ME, June 23, 2015. (Poster)
  11. [2015] R. Segall, N. Pippenger, D. Berleant, K. Eversole, R. Mustell, D. Vicuna-Requesens, C. Biedenbender, and E. Hood, "Information Quality Methods and Extraction of Numerical Information from a Corpus of Scientific Papers Related to Corn," 12th Annual MCBIOS Conference (MCBIOS-XII), Little Rock, March 13-14. (Presentation)
  12. [2014] D. Berleant, "What Could Happen — and What to Do," CPA USA Annual Meeting, Nashville, June 20. (Presentation)
  13. [2014] D. Berleant, "New Plant Paradigms from The Human Race to the Future," Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence Blog, Apr. 4. Reprinted as "What Will Bioengineered Plants Be Like in the Future?," io9, Apr. 9. (65 comments total)
  14. [2013] R. E. Belford, D. Berleant, M. A. Bauer, and A. Cornell, "WikiHyperglossary (WHG): Connecting Text Documents to the Social Semantic Web," Gordon Research Conference, Bryant University, RI, July 24, 2013.
  15. [2013] D. Berleant, "From Highly Centralized to Highly Decentralized societies," WorldFuture 2013, Chicago, July 21. (Presentation)
  16. [2013] D. Berleant, "The Future of Computing-Inspired Biotechnology (or is that Biotechnology-Inspired Computing?)," HIT@UCA: Applied Research In Health Information, REU summer program, U. Central Arkansas, May 22. (Presentation)
  17. [2013] R. E. Belford, D. Berleant, M. A. Bauer, J. L. Holmes, and J. W. Moore, "ChemEd DL Wikihyperglossary (WHG): A social semantic information literacy service for digital documents," 245th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, April 7-11, New Orleans. (Presentation)
  18. [2013] M. A. Bauer, R. E. Belford, D. Berleant, and R. A. Hall, "Jikitou biomedical question answering system: Using multiple resources to answer biomedical questions," 245th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, April 7-11, New Orleans.
  19. [2013] A. P. Cornell, M. A. Bauer, D. Berleant, and R. E. Belford, "WikiHyperGlossary (WHG): New knowledge frameworks for historical documents and the role of Web APIs," 245th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, April 7-11, New Orleans. (Poster)
  20. [2012] A. Cornell, M. A. Bauer, D. Berleant, and R. E. Belford, "Preprocessing glossaries to identify chemical terms and associate InChis to enable the WikiHyperGlossary to enhance digital text documents and web pages with semantic features," Arkansas INBRE Research Conference, Oct. 5-6, Fayetteville, AR.
  21. [2012] R. E. Belford (presenter), M. Bauer, D. Berleant, R. Hall, J. Holmes, and J. W. Moore, "ChemEd DL WikiHyperGlossary: An information literacy tool of the digital era," 2012 Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE), July 29 - Aug. 2, University Park, Pennsylvania. (Presentation)
  22. [2012]M. A. Bauer (presenter), D. Berleant, R. E. Belford and R. A. Hall, "The Jikitou Biomedical Question Answering System: Using a Syntactic Parser to Rank Possible Answers," NIH, NIGMS Fourth Biennial National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence (NISBRE), June 25-27, Washington, DC. (Poster)
  23. [2012] D. Berleant, "The Future of Computing-Inspired Biotechnology...or is that...Biotechnology-Inspired Computing?," HIT@UCA: Applied Research In Health Information, REU summer program, U. Central Arkansas, Jun. 6. (Presentation)
  24. [2012] M. A. Bauer (presenter), D. Berleant, R. E. Belford and R. A. Hall, "The Jikitou Biomedical Question Answering System: Using High-Performance Computing to Preprocess Possible Answers," Cyberinfrastructure Day, May 4, Little Rock, AR. (Poster)
  25. [2012] A. P. Cornell, M. A. Bauer, D. Berleant, A. E. Everett, R. A. Hall, and R. E. Belford, "WikiHyperGlossary as a Semantic Interface," 243rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 25 - 29. (Poster)
  26. [2011] M. A. Bauer, D. Berleant, R. E. Belford, and R. A. Hall, Jikitou Question Answering System: The Next Stage in the Evolution of Information Retrieval, 9th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioinformatics Conference, Aspen, CO, Dec 8-10, 2011. (Presentation)
  27. [2011] J. Berleant, D. Ashlock and D. Berleant, “Evolutionary modeling using state-conditioned L-systems,” 6th BioNanoTox (Biology, Nanotechnology, Toxicology) and Applications International Research Conference, Little Rock, Nov. 18-19, 2011. (Presentation; accepted for publication but proceedings did not appear)
  28. [2011]M. C. Howe, D. Berleant, J. Chacko and C. Biedenbender, “Toward a semi-automated literature review of eye development,” 6th BioNanoTox (Biology, Nanotechnology, Toxicology) and Applications International Research Conference, Little Rock, Nov. 18-19, 2011. (Presentation; accepted for publication but proceedings did not appear)
  29. [2011] W. Barnett (presenter) and 14 other contributors including D. Berleant, "Guide to Research Networking Tools," CTSA Strategic Goal #3 Committee (SGC-3), Sept. 8, 2011.
  30. [2011] R. E. Belford, D. Berleant, M. A. Bauer, J. W. Moore, J. L. Holmes, R. A. Hall, and S. Lu, "Coupling Canonical to Social Glossaries," San Juan, Puerto Rico, August 3. (Presentation, 43rd IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, abstract p. 499-500)
  31. [2011] R. E. Belford, J. W. Moore, D. Berleant, J. L. Holmes, M. A. Bauer, and R. Hall, "ChemEd DL WikiHyperGlossary (WHG)" Gordon Research Conference on Chemistry Education & Practice, Davidson, N. Carolina, June 26 - July 1. (Poster)
  32. [2011] C. Biedenbender, D. Berleant, K. Eversole, E. Hood, L. Leach, R. Mustell, R. Segall, and D. Vicuna, "Text Mining: Using Rule Based and Neural Network Based Approaches," 2011 UALR Student Research Expo, Little Rock, April 11. (Poster)
  33. [2011] M. C. Howe, D. Berleant, and A. Everett, "Evaluation of the Translating Time (ttime) Package Across a Cluster Computing Environment," Conference of the Mid-South Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Society (MCBIOS), College Station, TX, Apr. 1-2. (Poster)
  34. [2011] S. Joginipelli, 67 additional authors, and D. Berleant, "The MCBIOS Metric: regional collaboration to monitor biotechnology’s future," Conference of the Mid-South Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Society (MCBIOS), College Station, TX, Apr. 1-2. (Presentation abstract)
  35. [2011] R. E. Belford, J. W. Moore, D. Berleant, M. A. Bauer, J. L. Holmes, and R. A. Hall, "Enhancing Learning with a WikiHyperGlossary," 241st ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Anaheim, CA, March 27-31. (Talk)
  36. [2010] M. A. Bauer*, D. Berleant, R. E. Belford, and R. A. Hall, "Integrating the HyperGlossary with a Question Answering System," 8th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioinformatics Conference, Aspen, CO, Dec. 9-11. (Poster)
  37. [2010] Y. Yiliyasi* and D. Berleant, "Analyzing World Peak Oil Data from an Information Quality Perspective," 15th International Conference on Information Quality, Little Rock, AR, Nov. 12-14, 2010. (Poster)
  38. [2010] R. E. Belford, M. A. Bauer*, D. Berleant, R. A. Hall and J. W. Moore, "ChemEd DL WikiHyperGlossary," NDSL Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., Nov. 1-3, 2010. (Poster)
  39. [2010] D. Berleant, R. Segall, E. Hood, K. Eversole, D. Vicuna, S. Atiff*, C. Biedenbender*, J. Pamarthi*, and N. Pippenger*, "Enabling Crop Deregulation with Software: a Prototype (P3-209)," Arkansas P3 Center Symposium, Winthrop Rockefeller Institute, Petit Jean, Aug. 15-17, 2010. (Invited Presentation)
  40. [2010] D. V. Vicuna Requesens, K. A. Eversole, R. A. Mustell, R. S. Segall, D. Berleant, and E. Hood "Establishing a baseline database to demonstrate substantial equivalence of GE and non-GE crops through data mining and text mining," Plant Biology 2010, Jul. 31 - Aug. 4, Montreal. Also Arkansas P3 Center Symposium, Winthrop Rockefeller Institute, Petit Jean, Aug. 15-17, 2010. (Poster P01013, http://abstracts.aspb.org/pb2010/public/P01/P01013.html)
  41. [2010] R. E. Belford, M. A. Bauer*, and D. Berleant, "The Use of a Digital Glossary in Support of a General Chemistry Class," 21st Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE), Aug. 1-5, Denton, TX. (Presentation P715)
  42. [2010] M. A. Bauer*, D. Berleant, R. E. Belford, and R. Hall, "Anthropomorphic Question Answering Approach for the -Omic Era," NIH, NCRR Third Biennial National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence (NISBRE), June 16-18, Bethesda, Maryland. (Poster)
  43. [2009] M. A. Bauer*, D. Berleant, and R. E. Belford, “Anthropomorphic Question Answering System for the -Omic Era,” Southeast IDeA Regional Meeting, Nov. (Poster, won $50 student award)
  44. [2009] M. A. Bauer*, R. E. Belford, D. Berleant, J. L. Holmes, J. W. Moore, R. A. Hall, and K. I. Yancey*, “WikiHyperGlossary Software Design and Implementation,” National Science Digital Learning Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, Nov. 17-19. (Poster)
  45. [2009] R. E. Belford, J. W. Moore, D. Berleant, J. L. Holmes, M. A. Bauer*, and K. E. Yancey*, “ChemEd DL WikiHyperGlossary,” American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting and Exposition, Washington, D. C., Aug. 16-20. (Presented by R. E. Belford)
  46. [2009] R. E. Belford, J. W. Moore, D. Berleant, J. L. Holmes, M. A. Bauer*, R. Hall and K. E. Yancey*, “Creating a WikiHyperGlossary for ChemEd DLPathBinder,” Gordon Research Conference on Chemistry Education Research and Practice, Waterville, ME, June 21-26. (Poster)
  47. [2009] L. Zhang*, D. Berleant, J. Ding, and E. Wurtele, “PathBinder — text empirics for automatic extraction of biomolecular interactions,” Conference of the Mid-South Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Society (MCBIOS), Starkville, MS, Feb. 20-21. (Poster)
  48. [2008] J. Macosko, W. Kerr, M. White, and D. Berleant, “Novel teaching tools for biophysics courses: the thermodynamic Venn diagram and the codon hypergrid,” 2008 Carolina Biophysics Symposium, Chapel Hill, NC, Nov. 20-21. (Poster)
  49. [2008] R. E. Belford, J. W. Moore, D. Berleant, J. L. Holmes, M. A. Bauer*, S. Z. Sullivan*, and K. E. Yancy*, “Enhancing ChemEd DL with a WikiHyperGlossary,” NSDL: STEM Research and Education in Action, Washington, D.C., Sept. 30 - Oct. 2. (Poster)
  50. [2008] M.A. Bauer*, D. Berleant, and R. Hall, “ISDB: Interaction Sentence Database,” National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence (NISBRE), Washington, D.C., Aug. 6-8. (Poster, won $1,000 student travel award)
  51. [2008] G. Springer and D. Berleant, “Electronic Collaborations and the Great Plains Network,” The 5th Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Society, Feb. 23-24, Oklahoma City. (Presentation)
  52. [2008] D. Berleant, L. Andrieu, J.-P. Argaud, F. Barjon, M.-P. Cheong*, M. Dancre, G. Sheble, and C.-C. Teoh*, “Portfolio Management Under Epistemic Uncertainty Using Stochastic Dominance and Information-Gap Theory,” The 3rd International Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing, Feb. 20-22, Savannah, Georgia. (Presentation)
  53. [2007] D. Berleant, “GPN Bioinformatics Planning Session,” GPN2007: Markers, Milestones, and New Directions, Kansas City, Missouri, May 31. (Presentation)
  54. [2007] M. Chae*, D. Berleant, C.-H. Jo, and S.F. Jennings, “Hierarchical Table Representation for the Transcription Codons,” MidSouth Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, New Orleans, Feb. 1-3, 2007. (Poster)
  55. [2005] D. Berleant, “Paths to the Future,” Institute for Information Science and Technology, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, May 5. (Presentation)
  56. [2005] D. Berleant, “Searching and Serving Biological Texts: Generalizing the Lessons,” Overture/Yahoo, Feb. 25. (Presentation)
  57. [2005] L. Hughes, J. Ding, K. Viswanathan, A. Fulmer, D. Berleant, and P.S. Schnable, “PathBinderH: a Tool for Linnaean Taxonomy-Aware Literature Searches,” Plant and Animal Genome XIII Conference, San Diego, January 15-19. (Poster)
  58. [2004] D. Berleant, M.-P. Cheong, G. Kahrimanis, G. Sheblé, and J. Zhang, “Optimizing Electric Power Bidding Under Severe Uncertainty,” INFORMS Annual Meeting 2004, Denver, October 24-27. (Presentation)
  59. [2004] M.-P. Cheong, G. Sheblé, and D. Berleant, “Information Gap Based Decision Theory for Data Mining of Competitive Bidding,” IEEE Power Engineering Society 2004 General Meeting, Denver, Colorado, June 6-10. (Presentation)
  60. [2003] D. Berleant and J. Ding, “Extracting Protein Interactions from Sentences: the PathBinder Project,” 3rd Annual UI/ISU Bioinformatics Workshop, Iowa City, April 25. (Presentation)
  61. [2002] E.S. Wurtele, J.A. Dickerson, Z. Cox, D. Cook, D. Ashlock, D. Berleant, B. Fatland, and C.M. Foster, “Computational Analysis of Genome-Wide Metabolome, Proteome, and Transcriptome Expression Data in Arabidopsis,” First International Congress on Plant Metabolomics, April 7-11, Wageningen, The Netherlands. (Presented by E. S. Wurtele)
  62. [2002] G. Sheblé, D. Berleant, J. Zhang, M. Cheong, and R. Thomas, “Market Interaction and Market Power” (III), Power Systems Engineering Research Center, Industrial Activities Board meeting, Dec. 12, Atlanta, Georgia. (Poster)
  63. [2002] D. Berleant, “(a+b)a, Cumulative Credibility, and the Distribution Envelope Determination (DEnv) Algorithm,” Epistemic Uncertainty Workshop, Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico, Aug. 6-7. (Poster)
  64. [2002] D. Ashlock and D. Berleant, “Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Workshop,” Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc., July 10-11, Coralville, Iowa. (Presentation)
  65. [2002] J. Miao and D. Berleant, “EPICS at ISU,” EPICS National Meeting, May 29-30, West Lafayette, IN. (Poster)
  66. [2002] D. Berleant and D. Ashlock, “Collaborative Research Project: Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc., and Iowa State University,” Mar. 21, Coralville, IA. (Presentation)
  67. [2002] D. Berleant, “Support for Oligo Manufacturing with Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery,” Integrated DNA Technologies, Feb. 28, Coralville, IA. (Presentation)
  68. [2002] D. Berleant, “Vehicle Diagnostics and Prognostics for Benefits over the Long-, Short-, and Medium-Term,” John Deere and Co., Feb. 14, Waterloo, IA. (Presentation)
  69. [2001] D. Berleant, G. Sheblé, and J. Zhang, “Market Interactions and Market Power,” (II), Power Systems Engineering Research Center, Industrial Activities Board meeting, June 1, Oak Brook, Illinois. (Poster)
  70. [2001] D. Berleant, “On Completion Time of Concurrent Tasks,” Dept. of Computer Science, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, April 5. (Presentation)
  71. [2000] G. Sheblé, D. Berleant, and R. Thomas, “Market Interaction and Market Power” (I), Power Systems Engineering Research Center, Industrial Activities Board meeting, Dec. (Poster)
  72. [2000] W. Qi* and D. Berleant, “PathBinder: a System for Mining MEDLINE for Protein Interactions,” Joint Bioinformatics Workshop, Nov. 3-4, Iowa City. (Poster)
  73. [2000] L. Elkin*, C. Gofron*, M. Travis*, and D. Berleant, “WISER: Split Windows for Browsing Scientific Literature,” Joint Bioinformatics Workshop, Nov. 3-4, Iowa City. (Poster)
  74. [2000] J. Ding*, B. Duwairi*, J. Miao*, and D. Berleant, “Three Systems for Improved Access to Literature on the Web,” Joint Bioinformatics Workshop, Nov. 3-4, Iowa City. (Poster)
  75. [1999] D. Berleant, “Arithmetic on Random Variables of Unknown Dependency,” Dept. of Computer Science, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, Nov. 18. (Presentation)
  76. [1999] D. Berleant, “Thicket Approach to Arithmetic on Random Variables,” Applied Biomathematics, Setauket, NY, July. (Presentation)
  77. [1999] D. Berleant, “Dialogues With Documents,” Dept. of Computer and Information Science, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, Mar. (Presentation)
  78. [1999] D. Berleant, “Dialogues With Documents: Customized Interaction With Texts,” Dept. of Computer Science, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, Mar. 5. (Presentation)
  79. [1996] D. Berleant, “From Concept to Theory to Software to Applications — the Research Strategy and Status of Verified Combination of Intervals with Distribution Functions,” SIAM 1996 Annual Meeting, abstract on p. 44 of final program, Kansas City, Missouri. (Presentation)
  80. [1996] D. Berleant, “Research at the Software Artifact Research Laboratory,” School of Computer Science, Information Systems, and Telecommunications, DePaul University, Chicago, Feb. 16. (Presentation)
  81. [1995] D. Berleant, “AI and Other Research at the SAR&D Laboratory,” Department of Computer Science, University of Maine, Orono, July 21. (Presentation)
  82. [1994] D. Berleant, “IMAP2: Interactive Modeling for AIDS Prediction,” Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, Maryland, July 18. (Presentation)
  83. [1994] D. L. Andrews, J. M. Conrad, S. A. Mengel, and D. Berleant, “Architectural Tradeoffs and Design for a Scalable Distributed Memory, High Speed, Message Passing MIMD Multiprocessor,” Scalable High Performance Computing Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, May 23-25. (Poster)
  84. [1993] D. Berleant, “Simulation with Incomplete Information: Then, Now, and the Future,” Advanced Information Systems Section Seminar, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, June 18. (Presentation)

External Funding

    1. [PI] CARTI. “Data Analysis Methods and Tools.” 2024. $9,359. [PI] Arkansas Economic Development Commission flow through from NSF EPSCoR. “DART: Data Analytics that are Robust and Trusted: from Smart Curation to Socially Aware Decision Making.” 2022-2024. $52,029.
    2. [PI] Google (GCP Research Credits). “Deep Learning Benchmarking with Defective Datasets: A Proposal.” 2019. $5,000 in computing services. (With: W. Dai)
    3. [Co-PI] USDA (NIFA) (2017-09222). “Mechanism of Recombinant Protein Accumulation in Maize Seed” 2018-2021. $300,000. (PI: E. Hood)
    4. [Consultant] NSF (IIP-1735717). “Type I: University of Arkansas I-Corps Commercialization STEP (STEM Training in Entrepreneurship Practices).” 2017-2022. $49,930. (PI: C. Reeves)
    5. [Co-PI] NSF (IIP-1445710). “I-Corps: WikiHyperGlossary - an information literacy technology.” 2014-2016. $50,000. (PI: R. Belford)
    6. [Team Leader] NIH. “Arkansas Center for Clinical and Translational Research (CCTR).” 2009-2014. $19.9 million. (PI: C. L. Lowery, U. of Arkansas for Medical Sciences). Alternatively: [Co-PI] NIH Subcontract from U. of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. “AR Clinical Translational Science Institute.” 2009-2014. $331,578. (PI: J. Talburt)
    7. [PI] NSF (0849626). “Collaborative Research: A Web-Based System for Modeling and Predicting Neurodevelopment Across Mammalian Species.” 2009-2013. $331,123. (Co-PI: S. Jennings; other PIs at Cornell U., U. of Central Arkansas, and U. of Arkansas for Medical Sciences)
    8. [PI] USDA-SBIR Subcontract from Infinite Eversole Specialty Crop Services, LLC. “A Prototype Program for Attaining Specialty Crop Non-Regulated Status.” 2009-2011. $22,752.
    9. [PI] Arkansas Biosciences Institute (ABI) and Great Plains Network. MCBIOS 2010 conference support. 2010. $2,900. (Additional PI: R. Segall)
    10. [PI] NSF EPSCoR P3 subgrant P3-209. “Enabling Crop Deregulation with Software: a Prototype.” 2009-2010. $91,571. (Co-PIs: E. Hood, R. Segall)
    11. [Co-PI] NSF (DUE 0840830). “ChemEd Digital Library Wikihyperglossary.” 2009-2011. $149,453. (PI: R. Belford)
    12. [Co-PI] NSF (DBI 0520267). “MetNet: Integrated Software for Arabidopsis Systems Biology Research.” 2005-2008. $969,634. (PI: E.S. Wurtele)
    13. [PI] Electricité de France, “Portfolio Optimization Under Stochastic Dominance Constraints: the Interval Approach.” 2005-2006. $43,657.62. (Co-PI: G. Sheblé)
    14. [PI] Invitrogen Corp. “Web Site Usability Study” 2004-2005. $34,000. (Co-PIs: P. Patterson, S. Smith)
    15. [PI] The Procter and Gamble Co. “Ontology-Based Clustering of Texts.” 2004-2005. $28,793.
    16. [PI] Corporation for National and Community Service (a federally funded corporation with competitive grant programs). “EPICS at Iowa State University: Assistive Technology for Disabled Children.” Subcontract from Purdue University. 2000-2004. Responsible for approx. $88,739 out of $122,790 total. (Co-PIs: R. Anderson, S. Openshaw, and J. Comer)
    17. [PI] Hewlett-Packard Development Co. Tablet PC. 2003. $1,699 in hardware.
    18. [Co-PI] Rockwell-Collins Foundation. “Equipment for Software Engineering Research Laboratory,” funds to be used to equip a laboratory. 2002. $25,000. (PI: S. Kothari)
    19. [Co-PI] Procter and Gamble. “Bioinformatic Tools for Extraction and Modeling of Signal Transduction Pathways.” 2000-2003. Responsible for approx. $51,508 out of $221,551 total. (PI: D. Ashlock)
    20. [PI] Microsoft Corp. “Software for the Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) program.” 2000. $24,465 in software.
    21. [Co-PI] Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC), competitively awarded. “Market Interactions and Market Power.” 2000-2002. Responsible for $40,000 out of $140,000 total. (PI: G. B. Sheblé)
    22. [Consultant] Public Health Service. “Quality Assurance for Environmental Risks.” 1998-2000. $699,431. (PI: S. Ferson).
    23. [Co-PI] Arkansas Highways and Transportation Department and Mack-Blackwell Transportation Center. “Automated Traffic Accident Data Entry.” 1996-1998. Responsible for approx. $30,000 out of $161,226 total. (PI: S. Johnson)
    24. [Consultant] National Endowment for the Humanities. “Development of Interactive, Multimedia Educational Software for Studying Native American Cultural History and Foreign Language Learning.” 1996-1999. $200,000 + match. (PD: T. Green)
    25. [PI] Booze, Allen, & Hamilton Inc. “Demographic Extensions to IMAP2, An Interactive Model for AIDS Prediction to Determine the Impact of Proposed Improvements in the Use and Production of Certain Medical Devices.” 1995-1996. $44,300.
    26. [PI] Food and Drug Administration. “An Extension of 'An Interactive Model for HIV/AIDS Prediction (IMAP2) to Determine the Impact of Proposed Improvements in the Use and Production of Certain Medical Devices' to Model Geography and Transit in HIV Epidemiology.” 1994-1995. $24,900.
    27. [PI] Computer Based Systems, Inc. “An Interactive Model for HIV/AIDS Prediction to Determine the Impact of Proposed Improvements in the Use and Production of Certain Medical Devices: Phase 3 Maintenance.” 1993-1995. $27,450.
    28. [PI] Arkansas Science and Technology Authority. “Learn a Foreign Language in (Almost) Zero Minutes a Day: A Computer Assisted Instruction System.” 1993-1994. $24,470.
    29. [Co-PI] Computer Based Systems, Inc. “An Interactive Model for HIV/AIDS Prediction to Determine the Impact of Proposed Improvements in the Use or Production of Certain Medical Devices.” 1991-1992. Responsible for approx. $15,000 out of $45,132 total. (PI: R. Goforth)
Honors and Awards
Courses Taught

IFSC 7321 Info Science: Principles/Theory
New course
Taught Spring 2011, 2012
IFSC 2200 Ethics in the Profession
New course
Taught Spring, Fall 2011
IFSC 4301 Information, Computing and the Future
New course
Taught Fall 2009, 2010; Spring 2012
IFSC 4210 Computer Ethics
Taught Spring 2010
IFSC 4396 Information Systems App. (capstone)
Taught Fall 2007
IFSC 7310 Information Systems Analysis
Taught Spring 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
BINF 5445/4445 Bioinformatics Theory and Apps.
Taught Fall 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
IFSC 3360 Systems Analysis and Design
Taught Spring 2007, 2008
CPRE 308 Operating Systems, Princ. and Practice Lab
Taught Fall 2005
CPRE 486 Object-Oriented Software Eng.
New course 2000, new preparation 2003
Taught Fall 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
CPRE 485 Java and Internet Programming
New preparation of existing course
Taught Spring 2000-2003, & shared 2004
Enrollment of 175+ in 2003 & 2004
CPRE 587 Text Mining, Processing, & Internet
New course
Taught spring 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004
ENGR 161 Eng. Prob. with Comp. Lab
New preparation of existing course
Taught Fall 1999
CSEG 4533 Object-Oriented Prog. & Design
New preparation of existing course
Taught until 1999
CSEG 3543 Data Structures
New preparation of existing course
Taught until 1999
CSEG 5023Software Engineering I
New preparation of existing course
Taught until 1998
CSEG 510 Computing: Future and Now
Taught until 1998, new course
CSEG 457 Senior Design
Taught until 1998
CSEG 5033 Software Engineering II
Taught until 1997
CSEG 5003 Intro. to Artificial Intelligence
New preparation of existing course
Taught until 1996
CSEG 4933 Computer Systems Analysis
New preparation of existing course
Taught until 1996
CSEG 3933 C Programming
New preparation of existing course
Taught until 1996
CSEG 5323 Text Processing
New course
Taught until 1995
CSEG 5333 Knowledge Based Systems
New course
Taught until 1994
CSEG 5801 Graduate Seminar
Taught until 1994
CSEG 5063 Computer Systems Optimization
New preparation of existing course
Taught until 1993
CSEG 5093 Fault-Tolerant Computing
New preparation of existing course
Taught until 1992
CSEG 4513 Operating Systems
New preparation of existing course
Taught 1991
Visiting scholar sponsorship
  1. Won-Jung Kim, Ph.D. (12/99-12/00).
Doctoral students advised (graduation date)
  1. Peng-Hung (Charles) Tsai, Modeling Advancement in Spacefaring Through Deep Learning (August 2024).
  2. John Forbus, Using Discrete-Event Simulation to Balance Staff Allocation and Patient Flow Between Clinic and Surgery in a Pediatric Hospital Setting (May 2024).
  3. Grace Crossette-Thambiah, Importance of Prioritization of Health Care Data Quality in Managed Care Leadership (May 2023).
  4. Venkat Kodali, Deep Learning Architectures for Visual Question Answering on Medical Images (December 2022).
  5. Kennedy Otieno Oyoo, A Rule-Based Automatic Data Validation Framework for Enterprise Asset Management in the Power and Utilities Industry (May 2022).
  6. Venkata Jaipal R. Batthula, Exploring Technology Advancement Over Time Using Lifespan as the Product Trait and Satellites as the Example Domain (May 2022).
  7. Ramiro Serrano-Vergel, Comparative Study of Virtual Reality Vs Augmented Reality for Training-Oriented Applications (December 2020, co-advisor, advisor Carolina Cruz-Neira).
  8. Kori Bohon, Protein Accumulation Mechanisms in Maize: a Genomic, Transcriptomic and Epigenetic Analysis (December 2020 passed defense; final dissertation version not uploaded yet; co-advisors Elizabeth Hood (science lead) and Philip Williams (technical lead).
  9. Wei (David) Dai, Benchmarking Deep Learning Robustness on Images With Two-Factor Corruption (August 2020).
  10. James B. Joyce, Heuristic One-Time Pad Encryption (December 2019, co-advisor Kenji Yoshigoe).
  11. Marie-Astrid Cartron-Mizeracki, Improving Healthcare Outcomes Through Data Quality in Health Information Exchange (HIE) Networks: a Case Study Based on Patients Experiencing Congestive Heart Failure (May 2016, science lead James E. Bailey).
  12. Marico M. C. Howe, Translating Time: The Eye (May 2015).
  13. Mohammed A. M. Rasheed, Mathematical Inference and Control of Molecular Networks from Perturbation Experiments (December 2014, science leads Nidhal Bouaynaya and Hassan Fathallah-Shaykh).
  14. Michael A. Bauer, The Jikitou Biomedical Question Answering System: Facilitating the Next Stage in the Evolution of Information Retrieval (August 2013).
  15. Yusuf Yiliyasi (Joseph Elliot), The Sigma-IQ Methodology: an Information Quality Perspective on Oil Data (May 2012).
  16. Lifeng Zhang, Text Mining for Systems Biology and MetNet; App. IV (suppl. material); App. V (suppl. material) (December 2010).
  17. Jing Ding, Improving Text Clustering for Functional Analysis of Genes (May 2006).
  18. Jianzhong Zhang, Partial Information Usage in Uncertainty Quantification (May 2006).
  19. Jinghao Miao, Implementation and Analysis of Direct Multidisplay Repositories (May 2004).
Master's thesis students advised (graduation date)
  1. Peng-Hung Tsai, Applying Web Technologies for Data Mining of Models of Advancement Over Time in Space Exploration Technology (December 2020)
  2. Michael Howell, How Predictable is Space Exploration? (May 2020)
  3. Venkata Jaipal Batthula, Lifespan Analysis of Earth Satellites (December 2019)
  4. Devlon Bomer, Using a Data Science Driven Approach to Analyzing Chemistry Hazard Code Data (December 2019)
  5. Venkat Kodali, Earth Satellite Data Analysis (May 2018).
  6. Jagadish Pamarthi, Extracting Sentences about Crop Composition from the Literature (co-advisor, December 2010).
  7. Mei-Peng Cheong, Electric Power Commodity Trading Under 2nd-Order Uncertainty (co-advisor, December 2004).
  8. Dong-Ping Xu, Mutation Analysis and Weather Simulation Systems (August 2004).
  9. Jing Ding, PhD, Mining Protein Interactions from Biomedical Abstracts (August 2003).
  10. Wenxin Qi, PathBinder: Mining MEDLINE for Protein-Protein Interactions PubMed (May 2003).
  11. Jianzhong Zhang, Uncertainty Operations with Statool (August 2002).
  12. Shoba Selvarajan, Implementation of MPICH on Top of MP_Lite (May 2002).
  13. Zhong Gu, Direct Multidisplay for Web Document Repositories (August 2001).
  14. Ullas Soans, Algorithms for Information Extraction from Text (December 1998).
  15. Shuxuan Yan, Study Guide Authoring System (May 1998).
  16. Jinping Huang, A Server Based Search Engine-Like Interface for Individual Web Documents (May 1998).
  17. Lizhi Xie, A Software Tool for Automatically Verified Operations on Distributions of Dependent Random Variables (December 1997).
  18. Ji Mu, Http Client that Browses: a Stand-Alone MultiBrowser for the Web (December 1997).
  19. Xidan Zhou, Web-Based Document Browser (WBDB): A MultiBrowser for the Web (August 1997).
  20. Liang Qiu, Development of LEARN for Windows: A Computer Assisted Language Learning System (December 1996).
  21. Nikhat Fatima, Hyperbrowser: Information Customization with Automatic Generation of Hyperlinks (December 1996).
  22. Byron Liu, A Mutation Based Approach to Software Fault Tolerance Assessment (May 1996).
  23. Rajesh Potti, MultiBrowser: A Multiway Lookahead Based Information Customizer for Documents (May 1996).
  24. Dan Tappan, PhD, A Russian to English Translation System for Scientific Abstracts (May 1996).
  25. Lingyun Shi, Development and Enhancement of LEARN: A Computer Assisted Language Learning System (December 1995).
  26. Cristopher R. Jansson, An Implementation of Isolated Word Speech Recognition (August 1995).
  27. Srinivas Kolluru, Software for MCM Design Testing with a Comprehensive Survey of the MCM Testing Field December 1994).
  28. Hang Cheng, A Software Tool for Automatically Verified Reasoning with Intervals and Cumulative Distribution Functions (December 1994).
  29. Jun-Ping Zhang, PhD, Extension and Maintenance of the Interactive Model for AIDS Prediction (IMAP2) With Emphasis on Automated Sensitivity Analysis (December 1994).
  30. Xinxin Wei, Chinese Character Display and Sound Storage in the LEARN System (May 1994).
Master's project students advised (graduation date)
  1. Mohan Rama S. Pattikayala, Pre-Screening Clinical System (PSS), (May 2024).
  2. Sydney Jones, Arkansas Health Professions Manpower Statistics (December 2023).
  3. E. Deane Marks, All-In-One Storage Technology Platform (December 2023).
  4. Amber N. McDonald, Analyzing Past Trends to Predict Future Possibilities of Women in Space (December 2023).
  5. Ty A. Ebsen, A Customer Service Chatbot Using Python and Machine Learning (August 2023).
  6. Paul Larison, Comparison of XGBoost and RoBERTa for Botnet Network Traffic Detection in an IoT Context (August 2023).
  7. James Lemley, Improving the Usability of Southwest Power Pool's Public Data by Envisioning a Mobile Visualization Framework (May 2023).
  8. Praveen Kumar Thumukunta, Arkansas State Cancer Dashboard (May 2023).
  9. Vishnu Srujan Kolli, Data Analysis and Project Analysis at Company X (December 2022).
  10. Ryan Green, Student Profiles for Feeder High Schools (May 2022).
  11. Kaixi Gu (Creative Director & Executive Producer of best-selling video game "One Shot"), A Deep Dive Into Indie Game Development from a Technical Design Perspective (December 2021).
  12. Manisha Damani, Report on Online Courseware Project (May 2019).
  13. Rohith Duggirala, Space Exploration: A Data Analysis of Missions to Astronomical Bodies Beyond Earth (May 2018).
  14. Kevin Golden, Can Information Quality, Statistical Analysis, and Data Mining be Used to Identify Fraud and Help Govern the Integrity of Social Services? (December 2015).
  15. Nicholas Pippenger, Information Quality Processes and Methods to Improve Extraction of Numerical Information from Unstructured Texts (December 2014).
  16. Michael Bauer, PhD, A Resource for Text Mining Research (May 2008).
  17. Wenyu Ye, PhD, Hashing N-Grams and Applications in Information Retrieval (August 2003).
  18. David Radack, Structural Coverage Analysis of a Dynamic Device Driver (Co-advisor, December 2001).
  19. Travis VanDerKamp, Conversion of Java2D Graphics API to an OpenGL Graphics API (August 2001).
  20. Nishad Karekar, Sentence Matching Algorithms for Text Retrieval (December 1998).
  21. Fengrui Zhang, Investigation of A Mutation Based Software Dependability Metric (December 1998).
  22. Ali Agha, An Enterprise-Wide Solution for Network Management and Communication (August 1998).
  23. Richard Albers, Design and Implementation of a Web Page Indexer and Search Engine (May 1998).
  24. Yujiang Qu, Computer Assisted Physics Learning System for Mechanics (December 1995).
  25. Chinlin Chai, Porting and Perfective Maintenance of MATHTOOL with Visual Basic (December 1995).
  26. Venkateswara P. Sunkara, Investigations into Word Experts (Co-advisor, August 1994).
  27. Syed Jamil, Report on Approximate String Matching (May 1994).
Professional Memberships and Professional Development (partial list)
Consulting Service Activities


Internal (partial list)
